Kids In Divorce Situations
"Divorce is not a choice children make. They choose the love of both parents, no matter what"
Photo Monique Claes
KIDS stands for Kids In Divorce Situations
KIDS literally stands for Kids In Divorce Situations. It is the methodology for aid for children that experience a divorce from their parents. KIDS works in line with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and has been proven effective by the University of Utrecht.
It is also the proven method that teaches and helps children to tell and choose for themselves, to find out what they need and what helps them.
It is also the proven method that teaches and helps children to tell and choose for themselves, to find out what they need and what helps them.
The Dutch program KIES (KIDS) is developed by the Dutch Expertise Centre Children and Divorce. ( and founder Nelly Snels-Dolron.
Research has been done by Inge van der Valk and Ed Spruijt from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands.
Research has been done by Inge van der Valk and Ed Spruijt from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands.
Pelleboer-Gunnink, H. A., Van der Valk, I. E., Branje, S. J. T., Van Doorn, M. D., & Deković, M., showed in an evaluation study that the intervention led to a significant reduction in the child's emotional problems and improved communication between the child and the parents. Therefore the Dutch Youth Institute (NJI) recommends KIES/KIDS.
KIDS is an evidence-based program for children going through the challenges of their parents divorce. Through eight interactive group sessions, children develop strategies to cope with the changes they are confronted with as a an result of their parents divorce or seperation. The program has a strong focus on giving children a voice and has been proven to strengthen their relationship with both parents.

Find out more about KIDS
Find more information about KIES in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Aruba (in Dutch) here.
Find more information about KIES in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Aruba (in Dutch) here.

Find here the KIDS brochure and the KIDS plan for different ages:
KIDS Plan for children:
- KIDS Plan 4-6 years
- KIDS Plan 7-12 years
- KIDS Plan 13-17 years
KIDS Plan with information for professionals:
- KIDS Plan 4-6 years
- KIDS Plan 7-12 years
- KIDS Plan 13-17 years
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